Home About Testimonials Team Services Beauty Body Acupuncture BioCharging Fascial Stretch Therapy Hydration Science Kinesiology & Osteopathy Naturopathy Personal Training & Sport Conditioning Quantum Healing – Cranial Sacral Therapy Registered Dietitian Registered Massage Therapy Tesla Stretch Yoga Body & Soul Coaching Programs at H2 OM Medical Grade Water Systems Holistic Health Classes & Special Events Pre & Post Natal Wellness Contact Home About Testimonials Team Services Beauty Body Acupuncture BioCharging Fascial Stretch Therapy Hydration Science Kinesiology & Osteopathy Naturopathy Personal Training & Sport Conditioning Quantum Healing – Cranial Sacral Therapy Registered Dietitian Registered Massage Therapy Tesla Stretch Yoga Body & Soul Coaching Programs at H2 OM Medical Grade Water Systems Holistic Health Classes & Special Events Pre & Post Natal Wellness Contact Shop Services How can we help you live better? Osteopathy & Kinesiology Movement experts who improve quality of life through hands-on care, prescribed exercise, and patient education. Bio Charging The BioCharger™ enables YOU to proactively improve YOUR health and wellness by harnessing the energy around us and merging it with cutting edge technology. Holistic Counselling / Pyschotherapy Our holistic approach to counseling and personal guidance focuses on the entire human being and their life experiences as a means to assess and treat. Hydration Science This is a 40 minute session on optimal hydration, the science of water and how our bodies use water. Not all water is equal, we inform you on the different types of water and what water is harming you and what water is helping your body renew and heal. Beauty We offer a holistic approach to beauty that takes you back to ancient natural beauty rituals that cover your beauty and health from the inside out. Body A unique offering of body work from ancient holistic medicine modalities like Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with modern therapies such as Naturopathy, Cranial Sacral Therapy and BioCharging. Body & Soul A special blend of alternative healing modalities both ancient and modern to rebalance and restore you; mind body and soul. Coaching Programs at H2 OM A program designed to elevate the way you live, think, and feel. We cover your transformation journey from Nutrition + Hydration to mobility, counseling, body work and self love practices. Medical Grade Water Systems We retail medical grade water systems and offer educational science sessions on optimal hydration, and its impact on our overall health and lifestyle. Holistic Health We offer a variety of health and wellness services to fully support you - Mind, Body & Soul! Classes, Special Events & Workshops Join one of our special event or classes! Pre & Post Natal Wellness We offer New Mommy Consultations & RN Lactation Support online as well as in-person Nutrition, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy. Sport Conditioning At H2 OM, athletes benefit from our conditioning specialists years of research and analysis of sport-specific movements, and how to optimize performance through a well-rounded approach. Yoga Asana (the physical practice of yoga) has the power to shape, strengthen, challenge, and push you beyond your limit both; body and mind. Joana's method focuses on mobility rather than just a series of postures linked together. Physical Therapy Physical therapists are movement experts who improve quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education. Bio Charge The BioCharger™ enables YOU to proactively improve YOUR health and wellness by harnessing the energy around us and merging it with cutting edge technology. Holistic Counseling Our holistic approach to counseling and personal guidance focuses on the entire human being and their life experiences as a means to assess and treat. Hydration Science This is a 40 minute session on optimal hydration, the science of water and how our bodies use water. Beauty We offer a holistic approach to beauty that takes you back to ancient natural beauty rituals that cover your beauty and health from the inside out. Body A unique offering of body work from ancient holistic medicine modalities like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with physical therapy and new health technologies (BIOCHARGING ). Body & Soul A special blend of alternative healing modalities both ancient and modern to rebalance and restore you; mind body and soul. Lifestyle Transformation Challenge Designed to elevate the way you live, think, and feel. We cover your transformation journey from Nutrition + Hydration to mobility, counseling, body work and self love practices. Medical Grade Water Systems We retail medical grade water systems and offer educational science sessions on optimal hydration, and its impact on our overall health and lifestyle. Online Services We offer a variety of health and wellness services online for your convenience such as: Yoga + mobility , counseling , and self love workshops and nutrition workshops. Outdoor Services (Seasonal) Coming soon. Pre & Post Natal Wellness An online service offering prenatal yoga , pre and post natal nutrition , and workshops on breastfeeding. Ready for better living? Book a Service Have more questions? Contact Us