Andra Wochesen
Customer Experience Specialist | Intuitive Healer

I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery, healing and growth my whole life, and my professional path has mirrored that in many ways. I am a huge fan of body and energy work, as well as beautiful spaces, so being a part of the H2 OM team is a perfect fit. I’m excited to support you in your health and wellness journey.
My love of the body began as an athlete, continued as a coach, and lead me to degrees in Physical Education from McMaster University and Education from Queen’s University. While I loved the movement and health component in my 10 years as a Phys.Ed teacher, I knew there was a more aligned path for me. I began Teaching Pilates and training instructors which deepened my understanding of the body and body intuition. I am currently a multi-certified Life & Business Coach, using energy and embodiment techniques to support leaders and entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and impact through Purpose, Power and Presence.
I adore living here on the lake with my husband, coming in for my own body work in this beautiful space, and thrive on adventure and travel, as well as my daily alignment practices.
I am happy to be able to connect with amazing, like-minded people.
My Services
15 min Complimentary Wellness Consultation
Do you need Health, Wellness or Fitness Guidance? This initial consult will help determine the best Treatment(s) to get you started on your health journey!
BioCharging (30 min)
We all need to shift our health and wellness paradigm.
The BioCharger goes beyond diet and exercise, vitamins and supplements. The world may no longer return to normal.
Living healthier and happier starts at the cellular level. Using a variety of cutting-edge, medical and science-backed technologies and methodologies, we help you detox, recharge, regenerate, and optimize your body’s natural self-healing and self-regulating function. Each session is customizable to each clients unique health and wellness needs. The BioCharger has over 1000 recipes and protocols for every health need or requirement.
What the BioCharger does :
· Pulsed Electromagnetic Field
Therapy (PEMF)
· Ozone Therapy (O3)
· Rife Therapy
· Near Infrared (NIR) Sauna Therapy
· Photobiomodulation (PBM)/ Red Light
· Molecular Hydrogen Therapy (H2)
· Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)
· Brainwave Entrainment
Special Events
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