Amirali Rahnamoon
Registered Osteopathic Manual Therapist | DOMP, NMOS

I am an Osteopathic Manual Therapist who uses his extensive background as a strength and conditioning coach with seventeen years of experience. I placed first in Natural Bodybuilding with Fame, 2006, and I employ the same dedication, enthusiasm and passion to treating my patients. I thrive in a multi disciplinary and holistic team settling.
I am an active Member of National Manual Osteopathic Society since 2017. Covered by most private insurance companies (Sun life, Blue Cross, Canada Life (Great-West Life), Green Shield Canada, Manulife Financial, Desjardins Insurance and more).
My Services
Osteopathy Initial Consultation: Assessment & Treatment
Includes: Health history intake, Movement Assessments as well as hand on Treatment. Manual Osteopath will identify, assess, and treat the body’s structures and rhythm using a gentle, hands-on approach. This fundamental technique is called osteopathic palpation. Treatments may include Soft Tissue Manipulation, Osteopathic Articular Technique, CranioSacral Osteopathy, Visceral Manipulation. Please bring your MRI results with you.
30 or 60 minute Follow-up will be recommended as needed.