Sound Therapy
Everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration, including our bodies.

Sound is vibration and it can be translated by the delicate structures of our inner ear.
Vibration sound from drums, bells, singing bowls, and tuning forks are part of the spectrum of energy that affect us on the mental, physical, and spiritual levels.
Long ago shamans recognized the power of sound when they first used chants and drumming to heal people In ancient Egypt, Greece, and India, It’s also one of the ways we can experience the energy of the universe.
In Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda specific musical notes are associated with subtle-energy systems of the body, one of which is the seven chakras and all their sub chakras. That’s what I work with.
A sound healing session will address your unique concerns and desires. It is a 60 minute specially curated sound healing session for you and/or your group.
Contact the studio to book this Private Session.